Jeff Grubb signing my
copy of his 1988 Forgotten Realms novel
Azure Bonds.
Jeff Grubb with the original
map of the Forgotten Realms world. This map was designed by
that fantasy world's creator - Ed Greenwood, a Canadian - back in the 1960s.
Jeff was in frequent contact with Ed when working on products related to
that world. In 1989, Jeff was the overseer of the development of
the Forgotten Realms in the AD&D game.
Outside Jeff's cubicle.
The interior was very cluttered and was equipped with a computer.
Jeff Grubb showing me
the fantasy world mapping department.
Me and Jeff Grubb in a
TSR office with Forgotten Realms maps plastered all over the walls.
Most offices/cubicles had the 1989 Forgotten Realms calendar on
their walls (as I had on my own bedroom wall at the time)!
Scan of Jeff Grubb's autograph
on the title page of my copy of Azure Bonds. The smaller signature
is that of his wife and co author, Kate Novak (inscribed later when we
met the pair for lunch at a nearby park).