the Lighthouse Dancing
Downtown Perth, the skyscrapers of
which can sometimes be seen from Rottnest Island! All the rest of
the pictures in this section were taken on Rottnest Island, about 30km
to the west.
*The* Lighthouse from the title!
It can cast eight beams of light at once. Under renovation at the
time this picture was taken.
Typical example of a Rottnest beach.
A small secondary lighthouse can be seen in the distance.
Boardwalk at the far tip
of the island at or near the suggested location of the beach house seen
in the film. Buildings are not allowed outside a few small settlements
at the other end of the island, so the movie's beach house would be illegal
in real life.
One of the major architectural
styles from the island's main settlement of Thompson Bay.
Another popular architectural
style at that location.
Cycling next to the former
tennis court area near the middle of the Thompson Bay settlement.
Geordie Bay settlement's large General
Store where Harry purchased an axe.
In the distance on top of
the hill to the right is an old radar station. The movie makers dressed
it up as the church where Harry makes a vain attempt to gain entry with
his axe.
Rock pools at the far tip
of the island used a floating location for Emma in the film.
Anglican church at Thompson
Bay which was used for the wedding.
Inside that same church,
complete with the cross as seen in the film.
Quokkas, rat-like marsupials
which roam the island. Early Dutch explorers thought they were rats,
thus they called the island Rat Nest, which eventually evolved into the
term used today of Rottnest.