The Hunt for the Unicorn Killer
"Holly Maddux"
Daughter / Sister / Lover / University
Student / Hippy
Tragedy / Thriller / Mystery / Crime
and Legal Drama
Mainly 1970s Philadelphia, USA.
Made for television movie (1999).
Movie Database entry
Buy the DVD at Amazon.com
Unicorn's Secret - the book on which the movie was based at Amazon.com
Reports: the Ira Einhorn Story - video documentary at Amazon.com
- Ira Einhorn's book at Amazon.com
Holly Maddux memorial
site designed by her siblings and others
Library entry on the real life case
TV downloads/interviews on the real life case
Tyler, Texas
- Holly's home town
Bryn Mawr College
- site of Holly's university education
University of Pennsylvania
- Holly and Ira lived and worked in this area 1972-1977
Fire Island -
favourite New York sailing location for Holly's final boyfriend, Saul Lapidus
Some of the '60s and '70s songs featured prominently
in the film:
Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf (opening credits)
Me by Steppenwolf (Holly looks out of place at a party at the
beginning of the film)
and Clover by Tommy James and the Shondells (Holly and Ira's
candlelit couch romance)
Notes: As at October 2002, Ira Einhorn is once again
behind bars in the USA following his retrial and conviction for the 1977
murder of Holly Maddux.