Corner of Dunlevy Avenue and Railway Street. This is where
Jane gets her newspapers. In reality, there is no newspaper vending
machine anywhere near this area (in the movie, an unmarked machine is located
between the traffic sign and the power pole at the left). In this
view from across the street, you can see the sign never fully shown in
PoV that indicates the name of the business that occupies the cream building
- "Pacific Motion Pictures". Railway Street leading to Jane and Frank's
apartments can be seen at the right.
View similar to the beginning of the final scene in chapter
4. The green and brown apartment building at the top left is the
"Jim Green Residence".
In chapter 1, Jane reclines in the window alcove to the right
of the front door to the Pacific Motion Pictures building at 45 Dunlevy
Canada Post mailbox and fire hydrant as seen in PoV.
View from Jane's chapter 1 window alcove towards the end part
of Railway Street. Note the strange mosaic on the ground that is
absent in the movie.
Alley at the bottom of Dunlevy Avenue that leads to the rear
of Railtown Studios - Jane's apartment building. The Portside Park
bridge and downtown (note the Harbour Centre) lie in the distance.