Typical Gastown street scene with the famous Steam Clock steaming
and chiming in the foreground. Restored nineteenth century buildings
containing souvenir shops and restaurants line the streets.
Further down the main Gastown street, Water Street, we find
the statue that commemorates the founder of Gastown, businessman John "Gassy
Jack" Deighton, thus nicknamed because he talked a lot. At the time
he developed this area in the 1860s, the waterline of the Burrard Inlet
was at Water Street (giving the street its name) rather than beyond the
railway line as it is today.
Looking back down Water Street towards downtown. The Gassy
Jack statue is located just out of the photo at the top left.
Thin building at the corner of Alexander (left) and Powell (right)
Streets. The shop on the bottom floor sells posters. Frank
drives past this place during his chapter 2 Encounter. Further up
Alexander Street lies the Alibi Room and further up Powell Street lies
Sunrise Market.
A little to the left of the thin building, on the same side
of Alexander Street, lies the Jewel of India restaurant, also passed by
Frank during his chapter 2 Encounter.