Closed souvenir shop at Honolulu Airport, Hawaii, USA.
When I was there during the refuelling of my aircraft (an Air Canada 767),
it was the middle of the night (so it was not sunny), but it was very warm.
One example of a Vancouver beach. This is First Beach
on English Bay, over two kilometres to the south west of the Locations
This is possibly where Jane went to photocopy her pictures of
Frank in chapter 3. It is a branch of Kinko's, situated in downtown
Vancouver at 789 West Pender Street, not far from my hotel. Upon
seeing a screenshot I took of the relevant movie scene, Vancouver resident
Adam Abrams (interviewed elsewhere on this site) identified this branch
of Kinko's as being the one shown in PoV. In contrast, PoV director
David Wheeler asserts that the Kinko's branch in question was actually
located on Georgia Street. I am sure that the truth is that it was
one branch or the other. There is certainly no public photocopying
place anywhere near Railtown Studios.
Telus is the number one telecommunications company in Vancouver.
Its public telephones and telephone directories are everywhere. The
name and part of the logo for this company is painted or taped over in
PoV. Telus has various models of public telephones - an older one
shown here from Gastown is similar to those seen in chapters 5 and 8.
Newer telephones with LED displays are most common in the downtown area.
This picture was taken on or near the intersection of Broughton
and Pendrell Streets in the West End, a section of Vancouver located between
downtown and Stanley Park. It shows a street not far away from the
location used for Peter's first telephone call to Jane in chapter 5 and
for his, Mary's, and Mr. Barnes' apartments. The West End is also
classic X-Files filming territory: for example, Agent Pendrell got his
name from Pendrell St., and at times, Scully's apartment was shot in this